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Singapore, EntrepreneurFirst2 min read

Entrepreneur First

Today I will take an interview from EntrepreneurFirst. Because I applied for their Singapore cohort in 2022.

I want to note what their potential questions are.

They want to know what my edge is.

Preparation for Interview

Data and time: 1 pm in Japan, 21 Oct, 2021

Interviewer: Hou Sheng Poh at EntrepreneurFirst

Reference: Finding My Edge @EF

Potential Q&A

What is my Edge

  • Unique knowledge
  • Unique work
  • Rare insights

Technical edge: having a deep experiences in tech area

  • full-stack engineer in crypto related web based services
  • quantitative engineer
  • bet on crypto finance technologies
    • Cosmos hackathon in 2019
    • ETHGloblHackathon in 2021
    • Cerberus Research

Marketing edge: industry experience and rate insight

  • long experiences working in crypto real business
  • long experience working on international projects
  • know their pain points and try to solve them by our services


  • Pragmatism
  • "Necessity is the mother of invention."


  • I want to update existing financial systems with crypto finance technologies


  • experience at Crypto Garage: structuring crypto derivatives as financial instrument on bitcoin side-chain

    • realized how existing financial systems are sucks. Dislike the business based on intentional information gap.
    • decided to bet on the development of crypto finance from a deep technical approach and skill.
  • experience at Nuikind

    • met with my co-founder at Cosmos DeFi Hackathon in SF, 2019
    • as Full-stack Engineer
    • worked at a crypto startup in Japan, crypto staking business and managing farms
  • experience at HATER

    • built the quantitative analyzing system from scratch
    • worked as option/future trading, quantitative analysis
    • suffered from the difficulties of international collaboration works
      • financial insecurity due to
        • volatile salary
        • irregular paycheck
  • life in Japan while remote-working in a virtual crypto industory

    • mental issues
      • social bias against crypto developer and young women from Japanese elder financial guys
    • social issues
      • was almost used and abused by crypto illegal business guys (correction:2021.11.19)
      • In the reality, cryptocurrencies are used as the medium of speculative investment and/or tax "reduction"(evasion).
  • experience at SBI Secrity Solutions

    • become much better at technical documantation in English
    • experienced PM works on a big financial company
    • built reliable relationships with JP and SG bankers
  • experience at Cerberus

    • financial failure
      • blowed off my crypto asset due to the lack of proper collateral valuation management
      • give me the idea to build automated asset management
    • realized Japanese regulation risk against crypto industry
      • trying to get the chance to move to Singapore.